This second talk (présented also at Bangalore in August 1999 and Tbilissi in October 2000:  see pictures) follows the previous one by  presenting the two-phase flows simulations realised at  Aérospatiale in the framework of Ariane 5 program:

Powerpoint( 2000) version:

Images version (JPG files):
Slag deposition and pressure oscillations in Ariane V boosters (plan)
1. The Ariane V launcher
1. The Ariane V launcher (2)
2. The A.S.S.M. Program (Aerodynamics of Solid Segmented Motors)
        members and references of the ASSM program
3.1  Experimental measurements
3.2 Qualitative behavior of  the flow in the Ariane V boosters at t=95s
        Modelisation of pressure oscillations
3.3  Characteristic values of  the flow in the Ariane V booster
4.1 Slag deposition: Euler/Lagrange simulations (Aérospatiale, SEP, Bertin, ONERA)
        Particle tracking in a Lagrangian approach
        Dispersion effects in the Lagrangian approach
        Details of the Euler/Lagrange computations (t=95s)
        A view of the results of the computation
4.2 Slag deposition: Euler/Euler simulation  (SNPE)
4.2 Particle tracking in a Eulerian approach
        Euler/Euler simulation: main observations
4.3 Comparison of the results
5.1 Pressure oscillations: Navier Stokes simulation (SNPE, ONERA, CERFACS)
5.2 Pressure oscillations: LES  simulation (LEGI)
6. Conclusions