Derivative Free Optimization / Optimisation sans Gradient
(V04 course, season 2020/2021)
course between M2 AMS et M2 Optimisation (Paris Saclay)
Auger (INRIA), Laurent Dumas (UVSQ)
Due to COVID crisis, this course is fully online
Optimization problems are
encountered in many fields of engineering for which the associated
cost function may be of various type : black box or explicit,
with continuous or discrete variables, costly or not to compute, etc…
In many cases, the gradient of the cost function is not easy or even impossible to compute or it can exhibit many local minima leading to consider Derivative Free Optimization (DFO) methods.
This course deals with a large number of Derivative Free Optimization methods that have been recently developped, either local or global, deterministic or stochastic. It will be illustrated by various examples issued from industrial or medical fields.
courses :
cours 2011/2012, cours 2012/2013, cours 2013/2014 cours 2014/2015 course 2015/2016 course 2016/2017, course 2017/2018, course 2018/2019, course 2019/2020
-PART 1 : STOCHASTIC METHODS (see page of Anne Auger)
1) General introduction / Motivation for DFO
2) Stochastic algorithms framework (essentially ES)
3) General principles for step size and covariance matrix adaptation. CMA-ES algorithm.
4) Comparisons between CMA/PSO/NEWUOA/BFGS
1) Local methods: direct methods (Pattern Search, Nelder Mead, MDS), trust region methods (NEWUOA)
2) Global methods : DIRECT, response surface methods (RBF, kriging)
Friday 27th november 2019, 14h00-17h15 (ENSTA, A. Auger) DFO/STO/
Friday 4th décember 2019, 14h00-17h15 (ENSTA, A. Auger) DFO/STO/
Friday 11th décember2019, 14h00-17h15 (ENSTA, A. Auger) DFO/STO/
Friday 18th january 2020, 14h00-17h15 (ENSTA, A. Auger) DFO/STO/
Friday 8th january 2020, 14h00-17h15 (ENSTA, L. Dumas) : DFO/DET/ : Virtual board
Friday 15th january 2020, 14h00-17h15 (ENSTA, A. Auger) : DFO/STO/
Friday 22th january 2020, 14h00-17h15 (ENSTA, L. Dumas) : DFO/DET/: Virtual board
Friday 29th january 2020, 14h00-17h15 (ENSTA, L. Dumas) : DFO/DET/: Virtual board
Friday 5th february 2020, 14h00-17h15 (ENSTA, L. Dumas): DFO/DET/: Virtual board
Friday 12th february 2020, 14h00-17h15 (ENSTA, L. Dumas): DFO/DET/
Matlab scripts :
Pattern Search : pattern.sci
Nelder Nead : NelderMead.sci
A trust region method (with derivatives) : trust_noDFO.sci
A langrange interpolation script : lagrange_DFO.sci
A trust region method (without derivatives) : (in Matlab)
DIRECT method : (in Matlab)
Response surface methods : RBF.sci, krige.sce
Reference book : A. Conn, K. Scheinberg and L. Vincente, Introduction to Derivative Free Optimization, SIAM, 2009.
A review article on DFO : Journal of Global Optimization 2013
On direct search methods :
The PhD thesis of Benoit Pauwels on DFO (2016)
An article on the non convergence of Nelder Mead : SIAM J. Opt.1998
An article on the convergence of MDS: PhD1989
Convergence results for direct search methods (three references)
On trust region methods :
An article on the convergence of Trust Region methods : SIAM Journal of Optimization, 2010
On global methods :
Description of the DIRECT method : DIRECT.pdf (Journal of Optimization theory and application, 1993)
The slides (in french) on Response Surface Methods (RBF and kriging)
A review article on response surface methods (RBF and kriging)
Other references :
A list of optimization test functions :